Sunday, October 14, 2012

Oct 13 All Good Things Must Come To An End

Last night the Flounder bite died. Even though the weather was great and the bait is still thick, we are now fishing around the bottom of the tide and that is an insurmountable obstacle to contend with......So, last night there were no Flounder bites for neither Frank nor I. After an hour of trying, I said "To Hell With It" and went on a Flounder Gigging Mission and speared 2 Flounder at 17" each.  As for the actual fishing, we only caught 3 fish on rod and reel. I caught a Conger Eel and a Sea Bass. Frank's fish was a very rare and unusual species called a Unicorn Filefish. The first that I've seen in person and a very cool fish. I hope my pics turn out good...... Total Catch for the Night: 1 Conger Eel, 1 Black Sea Bass and 1Unicorn Filefish

1 comment:

  1. all good things must come to an end. you said it
