Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Oct 15 Big Flounder Flurry

Before I forget I need to get this in....... Okay, the big one got away. The biggest Flounder I got was 6 lb 12 oz. I also got a 5 lb 8 oz and a 5 lb 4 oz. I got 2 others at 20". I got 2 others at 18". I gave some away. I dropped one overboard, dead as a doornail in Taylor's Creek on Tuesday morning. Not a release, that fish was caught about 330am at Hatteras Inlet.... The absolutely Lovely Jennifer, her beautiful daughter Savannah, and I just ate a beautiful baked 5+ pound Flounder with potatoes, tomatoes, onions and bacon stripped. Call me impressed. I'm going to marry that girl like I should have 15 years ago. Anyway, all these fish were caught in 25 kt NE wind and driving rain. I gave a few away and the pictures are from the Beaufort Waterfront on Tuesday morning... It was one helluva week for Flounder! Total Catch for the Night: 7 Southern Flounder up to 6 lb 12 oz

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