Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jan 10 Black Sea Bass and more

Took Arik today and it was supposed to be Beautiful. Well it wasn't..... It blew North and Northeast and it blew 15kts and it blew 20kts. There were whitecaps 2 miles out. It sucked and there was a Small Craft Advisory up. We missed that! Anyway, we fished 2 spots to the west of Beaufort Inlet and we were s\happy with the number of Sea Bass and disappointed with the number of Dogsharks.... Obviously, it must be winter! Arik hadn't fished in 10 years.... I fish 100+ days a year for the past 35 years..... Guess who outfished who? Yep, I lost 5 rigs while Arik never lost a rig. He caught the biggest and the most. It was a fun day and glad I took Arik and I hope he has a great fish dinner! Total Catch for the Day: 30 Black Sea Bass up to 13", 2 Spiny Dogfish up to 10lbs, 1 Sheepshead, 1 Scup, 1 Spottail Pinfish and 1 Pinfish


  1. Hey--Did you see they're gonna get Omega et al to back off the pogies?

    Be nice to have a few more of them to throw the cast net at next year.

  2. Pogies were pretty easy to catch last year. The pogy population here at Bft Inlet varies from year to year regardless of total population estimates from the US East Coast. But, every little bit helps for sure!

  3. none of my bus but im not sure if your lady will understand that being labeled "fish of the year" rights side of the blog is a good thing haha. Good fishing!
