Friday, February 1, 2013

Hiking the Neusiok Trail

Today was windy and fishing was not an option.... Not even the Mung Holes as even Lake Bernaur had 2 foot seas and dirty water.... So needing some type of "outdoors fix" I headed out to hike a portion of the Neusiok Trail. I believe the Neusiok Trail is a 21 mile hiking trail that meanders between the Newport River in Carteret County and the Neuse River in Craven County. Today I hiked the southern most 1.7 mile part. Being a "one way trail" and not a loop...... After hiking a beautiful segment overlooking Mill Creek on a high ridge and through a Pine Savannah, I basically had to hike it again in the other direction to get back to my truck.... Soooo, my 1.7 mile hike turned into a 3.4 mile journey. Oh well, it was fun and a work out. I needed both. I also made up my mind that I intend on hiking this entire 21 mile trail. I will keep everyone posted and {#1} I will be looking for new places to fish! {#2} This trek will not cut into my regular fishing operations......  My next segment is a long one. A 10 mile hike from basically Mill Creek Rd to Hwy 101.... Its going to be tough!

1 comment:

  1. If you want company on the Neusiok, I would love to hike it again. Just email me at:

    AT completed 2011

    AKA ATBob
