Sunday, March 24, 2013

Answer for March 17th Thomas

I dont have a really good answer for you Thomas. I can tell you that I will try my hardest. That cant be measured so at the end of the day you can form your own opinion.... What you can measure is this: I can guarantee you that I will RUN FARTHER and FISH LONGER than any of the high profile guides around here with funny costumes and their names plastered all over their shirts. (I can assure you that I know who I am and I dont need Capt Marty embroidered above my pocket) I can absolutely promise you that 80% of the time most of these dudes DO NOT want to compare catches with me at the end of the Day. Another thing I don't need or desire is to see my name in print or plastered all over local fishing literary paper dumps. These "professionals" pay a couple hundred dollars a month and these fishing rags print "Glorified Articles" explaining their great fishing prowess and endless virtues.... Meanwhile the true fishermen dont want to be seen. They keep their methods and fishing spots a secret as long as possible. Now, in todays "internet world" fishing pictures go a long ways to drum up business. So I do like to publish fishing pictures to raise interest in my business. Also, I will tell anybody anything if they ask, But you DAMN SURE wont be reading about it in a regional fishing "fish wrapper." And yes, I am a part time guide. Other guides hate me. I dont care. I fish and I have fished between 150-200 days per year EVERY YEAR since at least 1992. I WILL BE FISHING whether I have a charter or not. So, Thomas, call me if you want to try me out, if not, Good Luck with your alternative choice. There are some Great Fishing Guides out there... And there are some dudes that are some great entertainers. Great Conversationalists. There are some Con Men out there. There are some PURE T IDIOTS that are complete rip offs. I don't fit any of those categories. You can ask me in private and I'll tell you what I think about individual fishing Guides. As for me, I have good days. I have bad days. Some times I Go The Wrong Direction. However, I am confident that I will always be able to find something to catch and something to "make our day" catching..... I think my past record (approaching 1000 NC Fishing Citations), my equipment, and my Boat make me a pretty good choice for a day of fishing.... Anyway, End of Rant. Hope that helps, Thomas......


  1. Hey Thomas, I will go one further. I have never personally met Capt. Marty (let alone fished with him), but have been reading his blogs for a couple of years now. All I can say is he is up front and open with you. He reports the good and the bad which can't be said about a lot of the guides in the area. He appears to work his tail off for his clients, and isn't afraid to go where the fish are, but won't sacrafice your safety in doing so. If I were looking to book a charter in this area, I wouldn't hesitate to book Capt. Marty.

  2. I've fished four trips with Marty, and I'll confirm everything he's said here. For a long time I've been meaning to write him a 'testimony' letter, saying much of what he's already said here. We've always been satisfied, and have always been more than happy to pay the advertised rate plus a solid tip. The man earns it.

    It is true that he fishes longer and harder. 7 hours on a half day, 12 hours on a full day, pretty routine.

    Marty also fishes all different kinds of areas, tackle, techniques, target species, etc. He's good with kids, greenhorns, and experts. He knows everything there is to know about fish, and in-depth. He's ethical, and while he wants to fill the box, he also wants to do it right.

    Two trips back, we got halfway out of the Beaufort Inlet, and Cap'n said we're going home, yall come back and we'll do this tomorrow, this isn't going to work today. He didn't charge us a dime extra, we came back the next day, it was a lot prettier, and we slew 'em all day long. For real, though, he won't risk anyone's safety.

    My first trip, we ran 57 miles in near-freezing temps, fished ten hours, and Marty insisted on calling it a half day run. He produced fish in conditions other guides would have given up on, or just said hey, today's not your day.

    Here's the one problem you should know about: if you are on the fish, and not catching fish fast enough, Marty gets upset. If you drift off the fish, he drives pretty hard to get back on them, and then INSISTS that you catch them. If everything is good and right, Marty will fish right alongside you, because it's hard for him to pass up the action.

    This guy LOVES to fish, and he is really serious about doing it right. I've fished boats on both coasts, and yes, in Florida, and Marty has worked harder and better than anyone else I've fished with in 35 years. He'll hand out advice for free to anyone who asks, but if you want the real deal, he's worth the price of the ticket.

  3. I also have never personally met or fished with Capt. Marty but I plan to this coming May. I just found his site and plan on fishing a lot in the area instead of Ocean Isle. Reason, daughter married a Marine and now lives in New Bern. I needed somebody to show me around the neighborhood and I think he is the man for the job..

  4. Thanks guys for the very nice endorsements! I dont know why I popped a head gasket! Oh well, I just hope my "fishing pals" don't think Im talking about them...

    On a related note.... RIP Capt Charlie Brown. Prayers to his family. Capt Charles was a "one of a kind" Fishing Guide and anyone that ever fished with him had a RICH EXPERIENCE whether they caught anything or not... I remember one day at Cape Lookout that Capt Charlie and his party crushed me and my crew. Probably 150 Trout for them, Probably 30 Trout for us. It hurt my feelings. That night on his fishing report Charlie wrote "Getting the best of Capt Marty Moore takes the pain away".... I loved it....He will be missed

  5. Marty Mpore ripped me off and stole my coastal del mares. Just joking


  6. Scottrex?

    I hope you mean

    COSTA DEL MARs (sunglasses)

    I know for damn sure i haven't stole any horses lately.

    Tell em what a great Guide I am dude. I called that Barracuda didn't I? Right up there with Babe Ruth pointing at the outfield bleachers

  7. FYI. Other guides that I would pay to fish with.....

    Inshore-- Bryan of Native Guide 252-725-2961
    Nearshore-- Chris of Mountmaker 252-342-0364
    Several of the DownEast Guides kick ass for Cobia, Red Drum, and Tarpon
    Tom of Waterdog is loved by his clients. He's gotta be doing a great job
    Ray,Jr of No Doubt kills the Grouper
    Capt Tuggy as soon as he gets his License. Dude kills Striped Bass, Cobia. Shad, Mackerel. Dolphin

  8. Also , Capt Christopher (Columbus) Chadwick if you need to kill a Duck or a Turkey

  9. Capt Bryan of native guide # is 252-725-3961!

  10. That's his little Sissy right there^..... Jumping in with the correct #.. Call Bryan and go "Carolina Grand Slam Fishing"! (Red Drum, Speckled Trout, Flounder) Bryan used to be one of the best Flounder Giggers in NC. Trust me, anyone that runs around wide open ALL OVER Core, Bogue, Back, Pamlico Sounds and then stops and hunts for Flounders in dark ass waters on pitch black nights KNOWS the inside waters like the back of his hand. Anybody that wants to #1 catch fish #2 learn their way around Carteret County's inside waters should hire Bryan. You can't help but absorp Valuable Information as you catch fish. You just might end up on TV as well.....

  11. Sorry for jumping in late on this, but I too can attest to Capt. Marty's work ethic when it comes to guiding.
    I have been using Marty as my guide for at least 4 years running and have NEVER been disappointed. I come down in October every year and the weather is never guaranteed, but Capt Marty always makes the most of it. Last fall the weather was terrible with wind and rain and we were soaked by the end of the day but we all had smiles on our faces!!! We always catch fish when we are with him. Thank you Capt. Marty.

  12. I too am late in providing my thoughts about Marty and hopefully by now you have booked him, but if not, here's my opinion:

    If Marty is willing to offer a random, non-paying person good quality advice and how-to type info, then imagine what he will do for a paying client on a charter. A while back I told Marty how much I appreciated his advice when I asked probably 10+ years ago about a shark fishing question. I was in college at the time and used the info he provided to better our success rate at shark fishing with my dad. Now I have a son, and all three of us continue to make memories together, once again, using "free" advice from Marty which has ironically created invaluable memories.

    Give him a shot, I am certain you will be well rewarded!
