Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 1 & 2 Bad to Worse Fishing

Fishing around the Ferry Dock can be spectacular from July until October. Huge numbers on citation sized Sheepsheads and Flounders... Most other months can be good as well. April , May, and June are good. November, December, and January are inconsistent, but can bring great fishing. Especially fishing for Squid and an occasional Tautog. In case no one noticed, February and March didn't get mentioned.... Because Ferry Dock, Beach, and Shore fishing nearly always sucks during the "Dead of Winter"! Anyway, the last few nights of February were interestingly horrible. Unfortunately, the first couple nights of March were positively, absolutely pathetic. I was actually shut out on March 1. NO FISH, NO BITES, NO NOTHING. It was really too damn cold to go "all out", but I tried for 30 minutes and I froze my ass off for NOTHING! I thought, "There is NO STREAK to continue, so WHY am I torturing myself?" Tonight (March 2) it wasn't nearly as cold and I quickly corralled a lonely, cold Black Sea Bass...... Meanwhile just over the horizon, Bluefin Tuna are thick off the OBX. Lots of Sharks, Tilefish,  Jumbo Sea Bass are chewing as well..... Why am I sitting on this Ferry? Oh we'll, I LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND (I know Jennifer will be checking out my blog). At least that part of my life is  Better than ever! Total Catch for the Period: 1 Black Sea Bass

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