Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 14 Hatteras Blowtoad Fishing

No excuses today except maybe I overslept! A beautiful day on the Outer Banks. The wind was light and the water was perfect. Unfortunately I slept through the "fishy" incoming tide, but that's the price I paid for walking around with my light and gig at 3am. That was a waste of time and it cost me several hours of a nice morning.... Regardless, I hit the beach at 1pm and found ideal conditions. The fish were biting too, although the ones I caught were small on average. Sea Mullets and Northern Puffers were the catch of the day. The majority of the Sea Mullet were too small. I kept 3 of them for Capt Billy. The Puffers are pretty much called "Blowtoads" wherever they exist and are always extremely popular as a food fish. Members of the Puffer family can be very toxic, deadly in fact. Most of the high octane Puffers come from more tropical waters. (Lucky little poisonous rascals) The Northern variety is not dangerous and, to the contrary, they are very delicious. The only problem they cause on the dinner table is when two hungry men both reach for the last morsal.... Up here at Hatteras, like the Civil War, brothers have killed brothers over the last fried Blowtoad on Easter Sunday.... Sheesh!  Unfortunately, I only caught 4 Blowtoads and I kept them all to eat. Overall, I'd say it was a very enjoyable afternoon of  surf fishing. I used to offer "guided surf fishing" trips. Never got many calls. One or two. Today would've been a nice day to do that... Total Catch for Today: 8 Southern Sea Mullets and 4 Northern Puffers


  1. Supposedly to get carp to taste good, you can let them swim in clean fresh water for a couple days. I still wouldn't eat them. Prolly full of cadmium or somit. And by the way, I live in Kentucky, and I never heard of anyone eating carp here--though I did see a dude catch a buffalo and a gar within like five minutes of each other last week, and he kept both of 'em. You can't possibly tell me gar is worth eating.

  2. Chris, Im telling you that here in NC the fish houses inland will buy Longnose Gar all day long.... Somebody is eating them. As fas as the Carp. The meat was pearly white. Y bones like Shad, but I know it is very popular in Europe and some countries traditionally eat a Carp at Thanksgiving... Those people think we're stupid for eating Turkey. Hey I know I'm stupid, I don't need Borat, a Turkey, or a Carp reminding me.....

  3. Gar is actually really good. Texture is more like chicken than fish. Pain to clean though.
