Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24 Beaufort Fly Fishing

I invited Jalen into town today for some Freshwater Flyfishing.... Pre-Payment for all the Brown Trout he's going to point me towards this fall in the Mountains! Fishing was decent, as I knew it would be..... As soon as we got there, the Largemouth Bass were back-flippin after dragonflies! Pretty ccol... At the first Pond, I caught a Beaufort Freshwater Grand Slam on Fly while Jalen was stunned that anything would actually live in such a small Pond. Before we left, we each caught a couple more Bass, and we saw many, many more that wouldn't bite... At the next Pond, Jalen's superior fly rod skills took over and he caught 4 or 5 Largemouth Bass while I caught only one... Anyway, it was a nice 90 minute fishing session and it nice watching someone cast that knew what he was doing. Jalen did not catch a Pumpkinseed so he missed his Grand Slam.... Oh well, there's always next time! Total Catch for the Day: 10 Largemouth Bass, 4 Bluegill, and 1 Pumpkinseed

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