Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29 Spanish Mackerel Saved The Day

Another day of things going wrong. Today it was a low oil alarm and I added oil last night, so there was a problem somewhere.... Since it is a BOAT, I can't figure it out. We added 2 quarts of oil and took off.... Caught bait pretty quickly.... Seeing the light winds were blowing 15-17 knots from the SW (big suprize) and the 2-4 ft seas were really 4 foot seas.... All plans went out the window. We made it to the Trawler Bouy, chasing month old Amberjacks.... We caught one Shark there and that wasn't worth it. Then we ran back towards Beaufort Inlet where Hunter caught a 3 lb Spanish Mackerel on a live bait.... Then we hit the doldrums.... I was thinking "what on Earth can I do to save this day"....... Suddenly some Terns started dipping and screaming..... The water came to life with Spanish Mackerel cartwheeling and Anchovies flying in all directions..... For 25 minutes it was a donnybrook..... Metal lures flying..... Blood splattering...... Spanish Mackerel were hitting the deck..... Unfortunately, a big black cloud was descending on us as well... Lightning flashed, ground strokes.... The wind picked up and the temperature dropped 10 degrees.... We ran for home..... Sterling and the boys had caught a really nice bucket full of Spanish Mackerel. Many were over 2 lbs... First good casting session of the summer... Finally. Total Catch for the Day: 17 Spanish Mackerel up to 3 lbs and a 8 lb Sharpnose Shark


  1. Tugwell
    Come in Tugwell......

    I got nights in Hatteras, come on to Oregon Inlet and we will spank some azzzzzzz

  2. Pretty Mackerel. Glad they are showing up better. Its been a long summer without them
