Saturday, August 24, 2013

Aug 24 Little Sid and the Best Bass Fishing in Beaufort

Well I'll be damned, none of my buddies asked me to go fishing..... So I went out to collect some food for Little Sid. For those who don't remember, in March of 2011 I blew out my back.... I was out of work and out of my mind for 2-3 months.... I decided to get an aquarium and promptly went out and caught White Perch, Pumpkinseed, Bluegills.... Bought Oscars, Algae Eaters.... And a 1000 Misquitofish... The sole survivor is Little Sid, the Bluegill.... Nowadays, Sid is a fine specimen, a NC Freshwater Citation-sized, stud of a Bluegill. His diet has changed from minnows to crickets to earth worms.... He loves Canadian Night Crawlers and since he started on them, he eats little else. Last night he ate a moth.... So today I decided to go scoop him up some suprizes from the Pond.... Right now, he is freaking out over a nearly "frogged out" tadpole... And he is ignoring a dozen Misquitofish.... Anyway, I took my 3wt Fly Rod with me and I started out with a few really nice Largemouth Bass (Beaufort standards) and several Bluegill from the Original Mung Hole..... Then I went to a different Mung Hole that I have ignored for 4 years.... In the early years, it was the poorest Pond in Mercerville by a longshot... However, for chasing bait, it is the best.... One scoop and I my bucket was full of stuff for Lil Sid.... Then I went and got my 3wt Fly Rod out of my truck... My first cast erupted in a huge roll and a splash of water.... Line slipped through my fingers and then peeled off my reel... The Bass jumped and I couldn't believe how big it was.... Close to the bank and she got wrapped up in something... I can't believe this, but here I go into the Mung Hole. Waist deep and my fly line was wrapped around a dead sapling.... Getting the line free and the fish was still there.... I finally landed her and this is My Career #2 FlyRod Largemouth Bass on the 3wt Fly Rod. The Largemouth Bass was right at 4 lbs and was caught on a rubber legged spider! After that, I caught more Bass and more Bluegill.... All in All, I really couldn't have topped this, even in the Ocean. Total Catch for the Day: 12 Largemouth Bass up to 4 lbs and 10 Bluegill

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