BIG FISH on LIGHT TACKLE The daily fishing reports from Capt. Marty Moore of Top Water Charters. Plus, news and notes from Capt. Marty
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Aug 24 Little Sid and the Best Bass Fishing in Beaufort
Well I'll be damned, none of my buddies asked me to go fishing..... So I went out to collect some food for Little Sid. For those who don't remember, in March of 2011 I blew out my back.... I was out of work and out of my mind for 2-3 months.... I decided to get an aquarium and promptly went out and caught White Perch, Pumpkinseed, Bluegills.... Bought Oscars, Algae Eaters.... And a 1000 Misquitofish... The sole survivor is Little Sid, the Bluegill.... Nowadays, Sid is a fine specimen, a NC Freshwater Citation-sized, stud of a Bluegill. His diet has changed from minnows to crickets to earth worms.... He loves Canadian Night Crawlers and since he started on them, he eats little else. Last night he ate a moth.... So today I decided to go scoop him up some suprizes from the Pond.... Right now, he is freaking out over a nearly "frogged out" tadpole... And he is ignoring a dozen Misquitofish.... Anyway, I took my 3wt Fly Rod with me and I started out with a few really nice Largemouth Bass (Beaufort standards) and several Bluegill from the Original Mung Hole..... Then I went to a different Mung Hole that I have ignored for 4 years.... In the early years, it was the poorest Pond in Mercerville by a longshot... However, for chasing bait, it is the best.... One scoop and I my bucket was full of stuff for Lil Sid.... Then I went and got my 3wt Fly Rod out of my truck... My first cast erupted in a huge roll and a splash of water.... Line slipped through my fingers and then peeled off my reel... The Bass jumped and I couldn't believe how big it was.... Close to the bank and she got wrapped up in something... I can't believe this, but here I go into the Mung Hole. Waist deep and my fly line was wrapped around a dead sapling.... Getting the line free and the fish was still there.... I finally landed her and this is My Career #2 FlyRod Largemouth Bass on the 3wt Fly Rod. The Largemouth Bass was right at 4 lbs and was caught on a rubber legged spider! After that, I caught more Bass and more Bluegill.... All in All, I really couldn't have topped this, even in the Ocean. Total Catch for the Day: 12 Largemouth Bass up to 4 lbs and 10 Bluegill
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