Monday, August 5, 2013


****I just got the word that Sunday the Tiger Sharks were out "IN FORCE" in the area where I was talking about fishing for them... So if anyone wants to go out and Catch and Release one of Planet Earth's Apex Predators right now and the next Month is the time to do it off the Central North Carolina Coast****

My plan of attack is to stop and a wreck and catch of Barracudas/Amberjacks and then move to the Spot.... Once we arrive I expect 2-3 Tiger Sharks to come up for a visit and hooking them should be quite simple to hook one up.... If anyone is interested in this unique opportunity, please call me at 252-241-8350.... After the heydey of the "shark finning" years in the early 1990's,  I wondered if I'd ever have an opportunity to battle these giant Sharks in my home waters... The answer is YES and these Tiger Sharks and other species have made a remarkable recovery.....

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