Starting here, I'm going to run a tally of Night Shift Fishing.....
Most of these nights, I will be playing with both the rod-n-reel and the cast net.... To be honest, the cast netting should be great. Last night, for instance, one throw and I caught 14 Jumping Mullet between 2-5 lbs each.... The Rod-n-reel fishing is problematic.... Over at South Dock, the State Dredge is tied up. That is causing 2 problems... First, it throws off all fishes natural tendency to follow the shoreline around to the area where I like to fish.... Also, the Dredge and a new bank of lights over there have created a situation where there is entirely too much light... What all this light does is spread the bait and larger fish over a wide area. I learned LONG AGO that fishing at night was GREAT from lighted docks... All you had to do was fish the "area of light".... You could catch ALL THE FLOUNDERS in a very short time. That Revelation that I had back in 1990 is solely responsible for probably 95% of my NC Flounder Citations....... UNBELIEVABLY, on top of all that excessive light, the area that has produced SO MANY FLOUNDER for me from Sept 2003 through Sept 2012 is now "in the dark"..... NO LIGHT AT ALL....... I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but people CAN NOT appreciate HOW GOOD THE FLOUNDER FISHING has been in the past in this location.... Up to 28 Flounders per night and per night, I mean from 1245am until 430am.... And by 28 Flounders, I mean 20" up to 28".... I have collected as many as 4 NC Flounder Citations in 1 night over there. I collected 16 NC Flounder Citations in one week, September 2004. Dozens of 6-8 pound Flounders.... Three of my top 4 career Flounders came from South Dock. One of my benchmark 10 pound Flounders came from South Dock. Fishing was so good over that one week in Sept 2004, just about every time you'd pull up a Flounder, another one would be hanging on to the egg sinker.. Imagine that, while netting a 6 lb Flounder, there'd be another 4 lb Flounder chewing on the egg sinker... I don't know how to describe fishing ANY BETTER THAN THAT... Shingles On The Roof
Sept 12- I caught a 17" Southern Flounder in a foot of water on a live Thread Herring. I also caught 2 little Southern Flounders that I released...
Sept 13- I've given up on "Flounder Fishing", those days are over, for now. So I played with my 7wt Fly Rod. I wish I had the 3wt instead. It would've been sporty... As it was, around 2am. a ravenous horde of Pinfish started a feeding frenzy in a hard to reach area... I figured it out though, hooking my cast around a 40 piling cluster and letting the wind bend my fly into the feeding zone... That sounds pretty damn good, too bad it was Pinfish instead of Speckled Trout! Anyway, since it was "on the fly" and I'm still learning and it's all new.... I played with it for a while! Nice variety of Pinfish, Silver Perch, baby Bluefish, and the cutest little Black Sea Bass I've ever seen. Plenty of each of them. It all added up to.......NOTHING but lost sleep and a little more confidence in my Fly Rod. And because I got a Mountain Trip coming up to fish with "Mountain Trout King" Jalen, I need all I can get!
Sept 14- I finally caught a 19" Summer Flounder tonight. Caught him on a 6" Finger Mullet. I also caught a couple of large Oyster Toadfishs. I then threw the castnet twice and caught app 75lbs of Mullets. The second throw netted 40+ corn-cob sized Mullets.
Sept 16- Cat-O-Strophic..... Capt Marty is on Suicide Watch.... This afternoon I pitched a Sea Urchin to a feeding Sheepshead.... A BIG ONE..... 12-15 pounder. Mr Sheepshead immediately engulfed my bait. As soon as he felt the sting of my razor sharp 7/0 Octopus hook, he ran very quickly, stripping my 80# PowerPro off a nearly locked-down drag, and circled a 40 piling cluster. and........ Ping, he was GONE...... The PowerPro, as tough as it is, is NO MATCH for a sharp edge, and wouldn't you figure it.... A 75 year old Sheepshead is "smart enough" to leave just enough barnacles on a piling to allow him to escape! So here it is..... In the past 2 years, I've hooked 2 JUMBO Sheepsheads and lost both of them... Long gone are the days, 2008 and 2009, where I dominated the Sheepshead Game. Hell, I got 17 NC Sheepshead Citations in 2009 alone. Nowadays, they kick my ass and it aint even funny....
Total Catch for the Week: 3 Southern Flounder up to 17", a 19" Summer Flounder, 15 Pinfish, 6 Bluefish, 4 Silver Perch, 5 Black Sea Bass, and 6 Oyster Toadfish up to 3 lbs
Too much light. Thomas Edison weeps. Keep writing. You are the Shakespeare of Fishing