Monday, September 23, 2013

Sept 23 More Great Casting Action

Jim, Jim, and Dan caught many, many fish today in very trying conditions.... We have been on a run of great weather, but unfortunately, all that came to an end yesterday. Three inches of rain and this morning's hard NE wind lowered the water temp in the Ocean by 6 degrees and dirtied up the water... I expected fishing to be really difficult today... I was pleasantly suprized by an all-out bite today west of Beaufort Inlet. And this bite lasted nearly all day. My guys loaded up the cooler and the livewell this morning by throwing metal lures.... Then we ran 67 freaking miles searching for King Mackerel or even larger Bluefish and Spanish Mackerel... We failed and we ended up right where we started and the fish were still there! I must admit, we did get one bite pulling a live Bluefish. Off Barden's Inlet, we had a 14" Bluefish cut off clean, right behind the head. It certainly looked like the work of a big King Mackerel. Dammit! That would've made our day. As it was, we still had a great day of casting. The only problem was the average size of the Beaufort Inlet fish is pretty pitiful compared to the Cape Lookout Shoal fish! Nothing we could do about that today. The Shoals were closed out. NO FISHING POSSIBLE...... Total Catch for the Day: 65 Bluefish up to 2 lbs and 30 Spanish Mackerel up to 2 lbs


  1. Thanks Capt, your reports are the best in NC. Tell it like it is. Me and my fishing friends appreciate it. We fished beside you today in the blue Jones Bros and it looked pretty hectic in your boat. I've never seen so many fish being brought over the side in all my life. Definitely looked more fun than trolling. Question for you. What type lure were y'all throwing? Thanks


  2. Roger,

    On my Boat I fish with Glass Minnow brand of metal lure that is universally called "Sting Silver".... The Glass Minnow brand is made in Raleigh and they are FAR FAR FAR Superior to any other type of metal lure, Sting silver style bait that I've ever found.... The Hooks and O-rings are superior. The paint job is superior. The clear coat is un-paralleled in this lure genre. The choice of colors is incredible. The choice of weights/size is perfect.

    If you CAN'T TELL I am completely sold on the Glass Minnow Brand of metal casting lure. It is ONE ITEM in the Fishing Tackle Industry that has maxxed out its efficiency and selection choices... They simply CAN NOT be improved...

    Now, I personally like natural colors. White with green back. Solid silver. I also like solid gold. The Hott Pinks and DayGlo Yellows, they work fine in dirty water or in the rain. They work well in the surf. But, for my $$$, give me the realistic colored lures.... We are basiclally trying to get TOP END PREDATORS with GREAT EYESIGHT to strike a piece of metal... So, Its all about speed and casting accuracy and you want that big Spanish, speedy Albacore, or elusive Bonito to smash that bait in a world that is full of bait fish... The naturally colored Glass Minnow Brand of metal lure ripped as fast as you can reel through the "strike zone" is my favorite way to fish and that's the type of fishing that I am constantly introducing my anglers to! That's where those 100 fish days come from! To hell with Trolling!

  3. Roger,

    Ask me some day about deep jigging or what I call "vertical casting" with Glass Minnow Brand style of metal lure.... I've caught everything from Gray Trout and Flounder, Red Drum and Black Sea Bass, Spanish Mackerel and Frigate Mackerel, Albacore and Atlantic Bonito, King Mackerel and Amberjack, Vermillion Snapper and Gag Grouper, to a 150 lb Sand Tiger Shark fishing these colorful little slabs of metal in this manner!

    Capt Tugwell even caught a limit of 30 lb Striped Bass one day off Va Beach jigging the Glass Minnow Brand of metal lure one winter day in 2011.....

  4. Marty,

    Just wait until you see my new setup with a glass minnow and a gulp minnow fished together jigging. Hopefully I'll be down in Oct. to fish with you a day or two.


  5. That'd be great Brent.... Hey if you know that Glass Minnow guy, make sure he reads my Glass Minnow Rant.... Perhaps he'd like to send me a few??????

    Look forward to fishing with you. I think about those 85 lb Amberjacks everyday I hit the Summerlin Reef. I was just telling that story again on Saturday!

  6. That guy, in the pic... He the scientist from Jurassic Park. He a famous actor.
