Saturday, November 16, 2013

Nov 15- Good Albacore Fishing

Ron and Dennis were the two best Fly Fishermen that I've had on my Boat in a long time. Dennis was really a magician. The sound his line made when shooting through the guides was awesome. He was hot early too. First cast connected! My first cast with a stingsilver did too.... The fishing was tough but steady. The Albacore would pop up and stay up for 30-40 seconds but it was spread over an incredible distance. Miles really.... And the were 20+ boats chasing them. Patience was a virtue and everyone got their chances. Dennis and Ron hooked 9 and released 8. I released 1 Albacore on spin. I also caught some other things jigging. Around lunchtime, the Albacore disappeared. Being 12 miles offshore, our search pattern carried us inshore and we found nothing. I scoured the Beach for Red Drum and found nothing. We cut it short and called it a half day. Great morning. Total Catch for the Day: 9 Albacore up to 10 lbs, 4 Bluefish, and 2 Gray Trout

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