Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Nov 5-11 Another Running Tally from Hatteras

Here I am again.... The weeks fly by! The Fishing Season flys by! It already looks like a crappy weather week. Sometimes the fish don't care about that. So, last night I looked for some Squid and didn't see any. In the past, I've caught really nice numbers and size of beautiful Loligo Squid up here at this time of the year.... Last night as I gyrated my Squid Jig across the shallow, well lighted areas I saw the tell tale shifts and movement on the bottom..... Going back to a white Gulp I was quickly witness to several Flounder pushing and shoving each other to get to the Gulp first. Crazy. The amount of small Flounder that are still everywhere I fish is amazing.

Nov 5- Quickly giving up on Squid jigging, I found the baby Flounders were still in their 2 favorite places in the Hatteras Ferry Basin. Really just 2 well lit, sandy, shallow lumps. I caught 6 Summer Flounder off one and 5 Summer Flounder off the other. Over on the Ocracoke side, I caught 2 Southern Flounder. It makes sense, Ocracoke is south of Hatteras! All were too small. Dabs.....

Nov 6-  Okay this was a little better! I caught an 18" Southern Flounder over at South Dock on a gulp shrimp and a Trout Rod. I needed a Landing Net bad and mine was on the other side in my Truck! We found a homemade net made out of an onion sack on the Sea Wall but it had no bottom. We lassoed the Flounder and finally lifted him over the edge. As soon as he cleared the water he shook his head and broke the line. Fell at my feet, mere inches from going back in the water! An hour later I got a 19" Summer Flounder from the North Side. A few small ones were released as well. Plus, I saw, not caught,  three of the biggest Squid I've seen in a long time.

Nov 7- Baby Flounder are biting gulp shrimp on both sides... Lee and I talking about whole baby fried flounders.... Dabs... Man they'd be damn good. I've already caught 4 Jumping Mullets in the Cast Net.. After starting out with the baby Flounders, I "accidently" hit on a 19" Flounder that took the entire crew to land! Too hard to explain.... The question is ....... Where is my Landing Net? Evidently it fell out of my truck, or was stolen.... Hundreds of Citation Flounders and Sheepsheads in that thing....lots of memories.... Irreplaceable--- a 12" hoop net on a 15 foot aluminum telescopic pole.... Finally, late night, I lost a monster. I saw him. 5 lb Flounder at least. No Net!!!!!

Nov 8- Fishing slowed down tonight. Or perhaps it was because I am out of Gulp Shrimp. I'm using 3" white shrimp with a chartreuse tail.... Tonight I tried gulp jerk baits and regular grubs but the action was nearly non-existent or maybe the tide is finally working against me? Not sure. I finally did catch a Summer Flounder and a Black Sea Bass right before midnight.....

Nov 9- Slow fishing because of the tide cycle. Halfway through the night I had caught 1 Summer Flounder and 2 Black Sea Bass. Over on the Ocracoke side, I had multiple bites from rather large Squid. Not much of a chance to land them on a Gulp Bait.... So, I switched over to Squid Jigs. The action picked up a little. I caught 1 nice Squid. I also caught a 4 lb OysterToadfish. I caught a small Summer Flounder and lost a 20" Flounder after a long battle on the Squid Jig. I actually could've netted him probably. Dammit. A Squid Jig has no hooks, just pins. I had that Flounder pinned pretty good. But, of course, he got off when I tried to lift him..... Then, right as it was time to call it a night, I saw a nice school of Squid. Pretty impressive. Thirty or more, large Loligo Squid.... Hopefully tomorrow night I can figure them out!

****Moving Nov 10 and Nov 11 to its own Post*****

Total Catch for the Week: 20 Summer Flounder up to 19", 6 Southern Flounder up to 18", 3 Black Sea Bass, 1 Oyster Toadfish at 4 lbs, and 5 Bluefish

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