Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dec 8- All Bad on the Outer Banks and Jalen's Blog and a DEADLY BIRD

Earlier this week, the weather was warm, the fishing was good and the food was great..... My back felt great..... Now, here we are a couple days later... The weather SUCKS. Cold, windy, wet. We saw some sleet last night. The Red Drum bite? Who knows, I damn sure aint gonna get my cold, wet, tired ass out there and try.... All the Oysters are eaten up and the food don't even taste good anymore. On top of all that misery, my back is slowing gaining painful momentum. I really felt an odd sensation last night after lifting a gallon of Clorox in each hand. Give me a break man! If I can possibly hurt myself lifting (7 lb + 7 lb) 14 pounds, then I'm ruined....

It always amazes me how fast someones fortunes can change. I was miserable on June 30, 2012 and long lost love, Jennifer waved at me.... I've been happy ever since (The Big Picture)   Happiness this week (The Small Picture) was bountiful. Warm weather, fish biting, happy Ferry Crew, good food... Wham Bam and it's all gone. Last night we were miserable. My bad hurt. I pissed all over myself. It was cold and wet. We ran aground and it was looking bad. The food sucked. I had to strip off my clothes and wash out my cover-alls. Therefore, I was confined to the Engine Room for 5-6 hours. Good God, what a nightmare...

I am ready to get home. Get warm. And be with my little family. (Jennifer, a Dog, a Cat, and a Fish) I know it aint the traditional "family" but its all I got. Hopefully all our problems which seem monumental now will prove to be temporary. Hopefully the weather will warm, the fish will swarm, and we will live happily ever after....

One positive note. My friend, fishing mate from last summer, and Mountain Trout mentor, Jalen has set up a "Fishing Blog" with a slice of personal life on the side..... I think he admires my Blog and that is a HIGH COMPLIMENT to me because Jalen is "going somewhere great" and he is a great guy and a great fisherman..... He is just getting it going but you guys can get give him a lift and a "hits bumb" by checking it out at

The picture is of a dead Comorant. This bird will find itself more and more in the headlines in the future... You'll see. I am a wild life lover, but this bird is no joke. This thing's numbers have exploded and they reportedly eat up to 4 lbs of fish per day..... (Earlier reported at 8 lbs per day, most estimate this somewhat lower now, thank God)  The problem is, they ain't eating eight 8oz menhaden per day... They primarily eat baby fish where to make that pound, they may have to eat 40-50 baby fish. Multiply that pound by the 4 to equal 4 pounds..... Multiply that by the millions of comorants that were out there now. Multiply that by 365 days per year.... Now, good luck figuring how many baby Speckled and Gray Trout, Striped Bass, Spot, Croaker, American Shad, Largemouth Bass, Catfish, etc etc etc are being devoured by this deadly bird. Overfishing and Pollution are getting ready to FALL BEHIND as culprits to the cause of POOR FISHING.



  1. Seems to me like the mountains are calling "Hey Marty, come back." and that luck has run out in the salt. Hope it changes real quick!

  2. Damn man, easy.... As much as my life is spent pressed to the salt my bad luck can't run too deep. I must admit, I do like those mountains and those bewildering spotted little fishys! I made a mistake years ago by not attending college in the mountains. I knew I was going to " live by the Ocean". I should've had enough foresight to spend those 4-6 years in the Mountains. Like you did. The best years of your life. All I can tell you with one to go.... Savor every last day and fish every possible day that you can.

    By the way, the wind comes SW today. The Red Drum will bite!!!!!
