Saturday, January 18, 2014

Jan 18- Good Weather and Good Fishing Please Hurry

Its about time to hit a pretty day. Warm and sunny. Light winds and slight seas. Go ride around and look for some action or at least some wild scenery. Check the Rock Jetty. Scour the Shoals. Maybe cast to Albacore and even encounter the Bullet Mackerel again. Who knows! The past two winters I've managed to hit the Jackpot on the Red Drum around a certain wreck. Black Drum have occasionally showed up around the ARs off Atlantic Beach in the past. Humpback Whales and Basking Sharks are around in Winter and it wasn't so long ago that Bluefin Tuna were thick in January. Maybe I should pull a couple of Horse Ballyhoo around Big 10 just for old times sakes? Anybody want to go? Call me at 252-241-8350.


  1. Good luck this week if you going fishing. Cant wait to get a real fishing report. I hope you catch something big enough to make y'all happy and I cant wait to see the pictures. Good fishing to you sir. We went fishing with you summers ago

    Parker Lucas
    Dawsonville Georgia

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  3. Albert Candy, you are the next contestant on The Price Is Right. Come on Down.


    Tarpon Cobia Redfish

    Best Seafood of my Life

    Daytona Beach

    If I didn't know better I'd think my cousin Joy has found my Blog

  4. Hey Parker

    Im ready to go and I hope I can put up a couple real pictures to get you fired up! I wish you were going fishing with me. Study hard and maybe your dad will reward you with another fishing trip. I'm pretty sure I saw a Shark last summer with your name on it! And a Grouper

    Hope to see you in July or August and say Hello to Awesome Bill from (of course) Dawsonville!

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