Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Today we went sightcasting when we should've went bait fishing....... It was truly the first time in my career that I went so "ALL IN" that I took all my bait gear off the boat..... Bad Bad Move. In reality, after 4-5 hours of riding and looking, we had already missed the "best of the bait fishing".... Our other mistake was that we worked east to west....... No way to predict this. If we would've hit the Cobia to the east in the morning, we would've been heros..... As it was, the "day-salvaging" Red Drum and Bluefish on the Shoals that could've bailed us out, were too far away too late in the day..... Our only salvation was the "Big Time Guides" rolled up zeros too. Even the famous networking team of really great fishermen that is so well known. I aint worried about what those guys do, they are going to get their share, but it is interesting that their 5-6 boats that covered 400+ miles saw NO COBIA therefore I feel better about our 70 mile "NO JOY RIDE"..... I hate it for David though. He came a long ways and never picked up a rod. Total Catch for the Day: NOTHING


  1. Captain Marty,

    are the king mackerel feeding in good numbers off the nearshore wrecks yet? thanks

  2. Anon,

    Not sure about the Kings yet. I hear Southport is pretty good. Around the middle of June there will be enough effort directed at Kingfish to see some real results... I figure you could catch a handfull now if you tried.... Good Luck to you also.....
