Sunday, May 25, 2014

May 25- Tuggy's Trip for Tasty Bottom Fish

Capt Tuggy set sail today and headed east to avoid the mad rush to the west. We like catching fish, not rolling the dice. Heading west and all the eggs in the "Cobia Basket" can be great, But.... But.... But.... If it doesn't happen, I can guarantee you that there is more to do to the east. The Shoals at Cape Lookout are capable of saving any day and then the Wrecks are strung out over there too and they get less pressure than the Yellow Ball Wrecks and the other WWII wrecks to the Southwest.... Today, the boys probably would've done okay to the SW, but the Captain went East instead. After spending a little time on the Shoals, this crew decided to spend their time livebaiting and bottom fishing. They ended up with a pretty catch of tasty bottom critters and released a couple of large Sharks. Capt Tuggy reports that they had their shot at a 25 lb Cobia but it refused to eat a bait. Damn I hate when that happens. Nice catch of Triggers and Sea Bass. That's as good as it gets on a fried platter! Total Catch for the Day: 25 Black Sea Bass up to 3 lbs, 14 Gray Triggerfish up to 3 lbs, a 20 lb Amberjack, 2 Spanish Mackerel, 1 Bluefish, 5 Vermilion Snapper, 10 Spottail Pinfish, 2 Sandbar Sharks up to 70 lbs, and a 60 lb Southern Stingray

1 comment:

  1. Nice Job by everyone. Not sure the fish were biting real good yesterday.

    Top Water Charters likes BIG FISH. and/ or BIG NUMBERS

    Capt Tugs produced 60+ fish up to 70 lbs on a half day trip. That's Strong. That's Top Water Charter Fishing!
