Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29- Angels-N-Camo Fishing Trip

Jacob is a special kid that has responded well to Horse Therapy. So when Lisa and her Foundation got ahold of him, he had 2 requests. Having heard of Carteret County's two wild pony herds, he wanted to go catch some fish where he could see wild Ponies grazing ..... Of course, y'all know me... Headed east in a hurry, "Look Jacob, there's the Ponies, now hold on so we can pound our way to the Shoals so we can cast to Blues, Reds, and Spanish Mackos".. Well, with the east wind puffing 15-17 kts, the Shoals weren't as calm as we needed for this "very non-traditional" fishing group..... So we pulled up and were forced to pull out the 2 hook bottom rigs.... Y'all know that's not my game! But today I did what I felt necessary and we made our day. Lots of bites, lots of variety, lots of action. I apologize that my gang didn't have anything to take home with them. In reality, me and Lisa's son, Austin, caught a nice pile of very nice, fat Black Sea Bass that just weren't quite long enough. We also caught 4-5 Hogfish that, with the Sea Bass, would've made a nice meal... Oh well, I certainly hope Jacob found his way to a big plate of Seafood somewhere along the way..... In the end, we fished in 4 or 5 different places and caught nearly 100 fish. Jacob saw quite a few Shackleford Banks Ponys. Jacob also drove the boat like a Pro and learned about Gilligan and Wake Forest Baptist Hospital and Bisquits and Bait and Buffets and Black Sea Bass and too much East Wind..... Total Catch for the Day: 25 Black Sea Bass up to 11", 35 Hogfish, 28 Pinfish, 2 Summer Flounder, 2 Smooth Dogfish, and 2 Inshore Lizardfish

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