Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sept 2- Surf Casting in Hatteras Inlet

Billy's Beach Spanish Mackerel
I am still at Hatteras because I am working 2 days of overtime.... Honestly, we need the money. Things are breaking around the house (and the boat) and life is very expensive nowadays.... Two days of overtime is about like fishing a full day charter, except there is NO EXPENSE, NO RISK, NO WORRIES, and NO FICKLE FISH that may or may not bite..... So I committed to it, I am half way through it, and I am ready to get home and get this Fishing Operation up and running again..... Looking at Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.... BUT, I NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHO IS FISHING WITH ME ON SATURDAY because there are others who'd love to fish....Anyway, after work today, Billy and I rode down to Hatteras Inlet and casted metal for 2 hours..... It was windy, the tide was ripping, and the water was fairly clear, not great but a semi-clear green..... Plenty of bait. Millions of Silversides. What kept us interested was the small pack of large Spanish Mackerel and Blue Runners that would explode right in front of us every 4-6 minutes. Only for a few seconds, then they'd be gone, disappeared into the raging current. Like I said, 4-6 minutes later, they'd do it again.... This went on for 2 hours..... The Spanish would lay out horizontally, like racing yachts. Streaking across the surface. Water and Silversides flying..... There they are and then they were gone. In less time then it took you to read that sentence. Gone. Gone for 4-6 minutes, then back again..... Talk about frustrating.... The Blue Runners were hilarious..... They didn't do their thang as often as the Mackerel, but they were even more spectacular.... Racing in towards the Beach, then suddenly turning skyward and hurling themselves upwards, out of the water.... Then they'd turn a flip, or a half flip, or even a flip and a half..... These were adult 2-4 lb Blue Runners.... Incredible. They had me salivating... The Spanish Mackerel, the one's busting, were 3-4 pounders. Nice. But, to me, Spanish Mackerel under 5 pounds are a Dime A Dozen.... These Blue Runners not a dime a dozen, they were special! They were incredible. A Real Trophy in Capt Marty's World.... I was bristling with anticipation and tingling with excitement...... "CUT TO THE CHASE"  my constituents are saying as they read this, "What the Hell did you Catch?"   Well, here is where the Story Sours..... In 2 Hours, I figure I made app 100 casts.... Not tosses either. I was "ripping" it as far as I possibly could. I was cranking it as fast as I could and still keep my stingsilver submerged..... And out of app 100 casts, I had one bump, I snagged one silverside. And I had 98 casts that were complete DUDS.... I sucked. It was my worst day of Fishing since December of 2004. Without a doubt... I will discuss Dec of '04 later..... Lets just say, in light of the cartwheeling Blue Runners and the frenzied Spanish Mackerel, that today was "my worst day of fishing" in a solid decade..... To make matters worse, Billy (I ain't fished in 15 years) caught 2 Bluefish and 2 Lizardfish.... More importantly, Billy caught his first Spanish Mackerel of his Fishing Career.... It was NOT one the big "show stoppers" that was performing in front of us.... In My Life, the First Spanish Mackerel was/is my Most Memorable and Life Changing Catches.... AUGUST 1974, I remember it like it was Yesterday... Oh well, back to today.... The Student-5 The Master-0...... Not Good........ Total Catch for the Day: 2 Bluefish, 1 Spanish Mackerel, 2 Lizardfish, and 1 Silverside

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