Monday, September 22, 2014

Sept 22- Two Greats Leaps by Fish..... Two Great Failures by Capt Marty

That Title is a little harsh..... In reality, I was witness today to two of The Sport of Fishing's most iconic sights.... Two leaps to freedom by two of the World's Greatest Gamefish. Now, unfortunately, both escaped..... Here's my day:  About 1130am, with my chores done, the "too much" NW wind subsiding, pretty damn hot and partly sunny......and almost low tide and I pretty much got a School of 1000 Red Drum "dialed in" at low tide.... I made the decision to splash the Top Water Boat and go for a quick ride. Tomorrow I go back to work and this week has been disappointing to say the least...... Anyway, Emma and I quickly found our Red Drum and caught 2 nice upper slot fish. I also caught a freak Speckled Trout that ate my 5" Jerk Shad right in the middle of a 100+ group of Drum.... Weird. By that time I'd heard of a pretty decent casting opportunity over to the east..... Realizing that by the time I get off work, September will be over, I made a decision to take Emma on a wild ride. She loves Bluefish anyway so she wasn't complaining.... Arriving to my "HOME AWAY FROM HOME" on Shark Island, I found some good, not great fishing. Spanish Mackerel, Bluefish, and Albacore were availiable but it was definitely not a blitz..... I probably caught 10 each on Spanish Mackerel and Bluefish. Emma devoured 2 Bluefish. Kodiak Brown Bear style. Pinning the head and getting a tooth hold on a piece of skin, she tugs and tugs and eventually pulls the skin right over the tail.... Damn Emma. Then, if she's real hungry, she'll eat the carcass. She gives it a minute to see if I'll give her another one. Obviously, she prefers the skin..... Anyway, I put 8 Bluefish in the livewell. I put 10 Spanish Mackerel on ice. I figured I'd try to catch a King Mackerel. I've had good luck this year with minimum effort and this is exactly the kind of day that WEIRD STUFF HAPPENS.... Lets hope for "good weird"..... Before I left the shallows and the knots of redbait, I did manage to release 2 Albacore just because they were there and I was building a nice Species List! So, as the afternoon wore on, it got prettier and prettier.... I ran back to the west and I decided to stop because I was encountering schools of bait deep about a mile off Barden's Inlet. I set up a nice spread of 3 live Bluefish and pulled them west. About 10 quiet minutes later, I was dreaming of the Mung Hole and Largemouth Bass on popping bugs....  Then I noticed the short bait got very animated.... Jumping and flip flopping around. Here we go...... King Mackerel Time! Suddenly there was a splash. Too far back for the short bait and not quite back to the middle bait.... In the dirty (pretty damn dirty) green water, a long black shape came into sight.... As I stood there confused, Then I noticed where the line entered the water for the middle bait was dangerously close to where the mystery fish swam.... the black shape seemed to effortlessly keep pace with the boats forward speed.... In the next second, it all came together. In my mind, I figured out what I was seeing and the fish and line literally came together as well.... Right there, 30 feet off my stern, and 8+ foot Sailfish rose that last foot to the surface. His sickle tail broke the surface. he flicked his huge blue/purple sail half up and then retracted it, and then with a flick of his tail, he charged the short bait.... But, SON OF A BITCH if he didn't get involved the other line, the middle bait, a good 25 feet ahead of the swivel.... Damnation. The Sailfish felt the line and it wrapped him up somehow. He veered away from the bluefish he was getting ready to eat, veered away from the Top Water Boat, and veered away from Capt Marty..... Bad Luck crushed my first Sailfish opportunity in 2 years... Or did it? Suddenly the reel screamed and 25# line poured off...... A 20+ second peel out.. Then out there, 200 yards away, towards a distant Atlantic Beach, this huge Sailfish jumped and jumped again. Then he laid on the surface and tailwalked (on his side) straight back at me..... He covered a good 50 yards.... Hell, could a miracle happen and I actually land this thing...... Three minutes later, I was gaining line and allowed myself to dream..... And PING he was gone....

TO BE CONTINUED...... 1 Great Gamefish Lost (Iconic Leaper) LOST

Sorry.... I am at Hatteras now. Anyway, where was I?  Okay, after the Sailfish encounter, I continued to slow troll towards the west. I had a minute of excitement on a blind strike in the cool green waters.... Heavy but not fast.... This one turned out to be a 45-50 lb Hammerhead Shark... I love Sharks and I really love Hammerheads.. I figured this was a good spot for me to quit.... I packing it up and ran to the Boat Ramp. By The Way, MOST IMPORTANTLY, The Top Water Boat is running great. Looking forward to a Great Fall.... I need some Bookings. Where I was 8 years ago vs where I'm at now is incredible..... Is the economy THAT BAD or is my lack of advertising killing me????? Total Catch for the Trip: 10 Spanish Mackerel from 16oz to 24oz, 10 Bluefish from 24oz to 32oz, 2 Red Drum at 26" each,  2 Albacore at 7 lbs each, a 13" Speckled Trout and a 45 lb Hammerhead Shark


Off to the Mung Hole with my 3 wt Fly Rod and a popping bug for a sunset session.... Wait a minute, I broke my TFO 3 weight, remember.... I am actually fishing with a Sears Brand, Ted Williams signature, split bamboo 4wt that my Momma bought at a Yard Sale for $1 20 years ago.... I HAVE NO BUSINESS using this relic. It might be worth something.... But intelligence hasn't been a Capt Marty personality trait here lately either..... Well, right or wrong, the old Teddy Baseball split bamboo uncurled a "Jalen Morton" original right up against the Bank at my "favorite Mung Hole"..... HOLY BAT TURD, BOY WONDER..... A freaking Largemouth Bass the likes of which I haven't seen since RL Vaugn's Farm Pond gave up a 28" Lunker in March of 1990..... Wouldn't you know that on "Big Mouth's" second jump, the tiny bug got thrown back at me! Oh well, iconic gamefish leap #2 was in the books..... I won't soon forget the RUSH, the SWIRL, the WEIGHT as he CAME TIGHT, nor the 2 JUMPS..... This Bass was so BIG and was so CLOSE that I could literally hear his gills rattle as he shook his massive head on the second jump.... I thought Lil Sid was save in this Pond... But, he better watch his back here. There is a TRUE LUNKER lurking in this place.... After that, I lost another big Bass and landed 2 small Largemouth Bass..... Well, it could've been a great day... Hey, you know what, I felt the incredible speed and watched the incredible aerobatics of a Jumbo Sailfish. I hooked and battled a HUGE LARGEMOUTH BASS on a 60+ YEAR OLD SPLIT BAMBOO FLY ROD. I lost both but it was still a great day! Total Catch for the Pond: 2 Largemouth Bass

I got some pics on my camera.... But NO SAILFISH and NO HUGE BASS sooooo, so what, who cares


  1. Hey Capt., get yourself a Facebook page. Lots of potential for free advertising. Many charter operators use FB. Your pics and stories could spread around the globe.
