Thursday, October 16, 2014

Oct 16- Good Fishing in Tough Conditions

Good Eating Right Here

Another Small Sample of our Nice Catch

More Spot More Spot and More Spot
The Ground Swell killed the fishing! I take it that there's a Hurricane or Tropical Storm out there somewhere. Huge and annoying Ground Swell ruined my best 2 options. The Cape Lookout Shoals were totally covered with whitewater and breaking waves. Low tide in the morning didn't help.... The worst part was that we could see an incredible bird and fish event taking place on the Eastern Edge. Too bad, some very dangerous conditions layed between us and the action.... So, low tide and bright sunshine in October usually means a really good chance to find Red Drum schools, pods, and even single fish in the Shackleford Banks surf.... So I crawled up top and we went looking... Unfortunately, the same SW groundswell closed out the Beach and fishing and finding fish were impossible... So, I guess so far things ain't looking good..... But, to the contrary, Matt and Tony left my boat very very happy.... These guys fish and they understood the problems we faced.... They also sat out their surf fishing down at Emerald Isle yesterday and watched the rain and wind.... I think they had pretty low expectations! Fortunately, first thing this morning the guys caught small Bluefish on nearly every cast in a very tough tide rip in Beaufort Inlet.... Then we missed on the Shoals and the Beach..... Needing some fish and some action, I headed back inside Beaufort Inlet, broke out some bottom rigs and shrimp, and we did really well on the "much sought after" Spot.... Nice Spot. I told the guys that, even though I rarely fish for Spot nowadays, that today was MY BEST SPOT DAY SINCE 2001.... Bottom fishing was wide open.... Every drop... Pinfish, Spot, Hogfish, Gray Trout, and others... Bites came quick. It left a good taste in our mouths and a "feel good feeling".... On the way home I tried to ruin the "feel good" by hitting the Taylor's Creek docks for Red Drum... It was a fail, fail, fail endeavor. With rising winds and raging tide, the Top Water Boat is not a Dock Hopper... Too big, too bulky.... Great day through, we out-fished every boat in our vicinity.... The crew was great. Atlanta boys.... Hot Spots in grease. Yum. Total Catch for the Day: 24 Bluefish up to 24oz, 24 Spot up to 12oz, 2 Gray Trout up to 24oz, 3 Inshore Lizardfish up to 15", 40 Pinfish, 8 Black Sea Bass, 24 Hogfish up to 16oz, 1 Northern Puffer, and 1 Scup

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