Saturday, October 18, 2014

Oct 18- Scary Good Bluefish and Spot Fishing

Joe with a Double Header

Gulf Flounder

At this point we started giving Spots away!
More Ground Swell. Too much WSW wind. Tides that were too low. Dirty water...... Capt Marty the complaining, excuse machine, overturned suckage box!!!! But alas, Joe was happy just getting out and being on the water..... As a matter of fact, Joe's great attitude made everything better. It was a miracle! The Inlet Bluefish doubled in size overnight and yesterday's One Spot became today's Fifty Spots!!!! What a difference a day made! A couple of things that I tried did not work. Two different Speckled Trout ideas fizzled..... However, the Bluefish in Beaufort Inlet was great in the morning and the bottom fishing for Spot was outstanding! Also of interest, one old guy beside us caught a very very nice Flounder on a bottom rig. Probably a 6 lb Flounder. I wish it was on my boat! Total Catch for the Day: 50 Spot up to 12oz, 24 Bluefish up to 2 lbs, 7 Gray Trout up to 14", 1 Gulf Flounder, 15 Hogfish, 8 Black Sea Bass, 30 Pinfish, and 4 Inshore Lizardfish

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