Sunday, January 25, 2015


Okay Guys, I have started replacing my stolen Fishing Tackle. Thanks to advances in quality and technology, I think I can get away with a whole lot fewer Rods and Reels and still do the many different jobs that I like to tackle..... And do it with smaller, lighter, and easier to handle tackle.... In other words, I believe that I can buy one set of colorful, full metal, small, and state of the art AVET REELS matched with incredible smart SHIMANO TREVALA jigging rods and I can replace SETS of COBIA, KING MACKEREL, and OFFSHORE TEOLLING combos all-in-one! Not to mention being able to use these for SHARK, GROUPER, and RED DRUM as well.....

After that, all I'll need to replace are my set of "everyday" spinning tackle as well as my Cobia Casting Combos..... The ONLY THING MISSING will then be my BLUEFIN TUNA TACKLE, right? Hell, I'll never use those again..... The Bluefins haven't bit off Beaufort Inlet since when, 2006?  Oh, WAIT A MINUTE! DAMN WHAT A YEAR TO LOSE MY TACKLE!

My stuff was stolen on November 12? The Bluefin Tuma blew up a few days later.... As far as I know, they are still coming in.... 600 lbs. 800 lbs. Even a State Record Sized 1000+ pounder!
Capt Marty needs a Tuna..... Bad!


  1. I have heard those avett reels are awesome. I believe some of them have a brake system in them or something that allows you to not have to thumb the spool when casting. Cobia beware!

  2. I bought one About 5 years ago. It is what I've been using personally for livebaiting Grouper and Amberjack, etc. It works great. I also used it once to jig Tilefish in 400 ft of water off Hatteras.... We were hooking 100-200 Sharks one after another on metal jigs. Breaking them off was very expensive. Landing them to get the jig back was back breaking and time consuming.... The AVET and the Shimano Trevala Jigging Rod were incredible..... Never forget that day!

    I think the AVETs will serve many purposes for me.... Cobia, King Mack, Shark, Trolling, Grouper, Shark, Drum, etc etc etc
