Monday, May 25, 2015

May 24- Jumbo Cobias (and the One that Got Away)

Josh doing battle

Tensions are running high at this point!

Nearly the end...../

Capt Justin.... Game Over!

Josh with his 71 lb Cobia

Lil Fergie with his 75 lb Cobia

Dammit, John's monster escaped.... This was his Runner-up Trophy

Fergie looking good

John's View of the Action
I'm up at Cape Hatteras working one of the Night Runs. I got a couple of fellow fishermen on my crew this summer. That's nice..... Anyway, we've been watching a steady stream of Cobias hit the Docks up here. Quite obviously, in 2015, Hatteras is where "the meat is"...... So, we scrambled and found a buddy with a boat, and talked him into taking up to Diamond Shoals. So, Capt Justin put is the right spot and that's when the "Josh Faglie Show" started..... I've got admit, I turned myself into a "boat dummy". Actually, I filleted my left calf on a trimmed plastic tiestrap and pretty much bled for the next 6 hours! While I hobbled around with a compress on my leg, Josh hooked up 6 of the 9 Cobia we hooked by deploying his special Beaufort Inlet tactics. Good thing, many of these Cobia ignored bucktails..... Anyway, Justin Ferg caught a 75 lb Cobia. Josh caught a 71 lb Cobia. John Griffen lost a big brown submarine after a 20minute war. Johnny's fish was in his death throes straight under the boat, but we just couldn't lift him the 3-5 final feet to the gaff! This went on for agonizing minutes..... Then.... PING, he was gone. 80? 90? 100? I'll be dammed if I got a good guess. John got a 40 lb Cobia. I caught a 30+ pound Cobia and a throwback. .John and Fergie also caught Cobias in the 25-30 lb range. All told, we saw 10 Cobia. We hooked 9 Cobia. We caught 8 Cobia. We killed 7 Cobia. Casting to 2-3 lb Bluefish was pretty good too9 z

To Be Continued........

1 comment:

  1. We must know these special Beaufort inlet tactics!
