Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28- Late Afternoon Bait Balling (part 2)


Cody on the HUNT

The Boys Find Success
Earlier today, as we struggled with Uncle Ray, 2014 client Cody called me and asked if I could take him and 2 buddies and their three girlfriends out fishing this afternoon. I explained to Cody, "fishing sucks man, if you'll be happy shagging Sharks and Rays, then I'll be glad to take yall fishing"..... He agreed! Sometimes a guy just needs to get out on the water! In the meantime, we caught a fat pig Cobia and the whole outlook changed! I dropped off Ed and picked Cody, his 2 pals, and Three Hott Tamales!!!! Top Water Charters looked like the Hawaiian Tropic Express as we cleared the Inlet.... First Bait Ball we hit had 6 Cocoa Puffs and one cast later we had a 20 lb Cobia on deck..... Epic Fishing ahead, I pondered!!! NO.... Three hours later we had ONE COBIA and 2 Southern Stingrays . Joyfully, we also snagged 20 Menhaden on our bucktails. We did manage to lose 2 mystery smokers.... Oh well, the view from the Tower was nice. Thanks Cody and crew. Nice crew. Total Catch for the Afternoon: 20 lb Cobia, 2 Southern Stingrays up to 50 lbs, and 20 Menhaden up to 6oz

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