Friday, September 18, 2015

Sept 17- Gloomy and Windy, Decent Casting in the Surf

The Jeremy and I went up the Shackleford Beach today at low tide. Scouring and Scouting for schools of Red Drum. I forgot one little piece of pretty significant equipment though.... My polarized sunglasses. Duhh Huhh. Needless to say, I did not find any Red Drum. With Jeremy and Emma unpatiently tapping their paws, I did find school after school of frenzied action in the surf and just beyond. Slinging stingsilvers brought quick action. Emma did her best Grizzly imitation. Ripping the fat rich skin off the Bluefish and also devouring the velvety brains...... Pretty sick really and "bad bad girl" could be heard up and down the Shackleford Beach. Total Catch for the Day: 9 Spanish Mackerel, 4 Bluefish, and 3 Crevalle Jack