Monday, November 9, 2015

Nov 9- Welcome to Beaufort

I'm back at home and headed back to work tomorrow. Woe is Me.

Fishing is Good.

Working is Bad.

I Can Not Complain. I have fished WELL OVER 100 DAYS A YEAR every single year from 1988 until 2014. I screwed up this year. We all know that. Some years I fished up to 275 days. Hell I fished every Friday night, every Saturday all day and all night, and every Sunday morning from May until October way back to 19 frigging 70. My parents had to drag me off that Pier.

I remember the "Big Board" at the Morehead Ocean Pier in 1971.

POMPANO.   Marty Moore    3 1/2 pounds   8/15/1971

It was always a more than a past time. It was a competition. It was life.

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