Wednesday, May 25, 2016


This year, 2016, on  May 26th, My Mom turns 80 years old. It makes me both very happy and very sad... Sad because we ALL are getting older with all (and then some) of All the Problems that come with aging..... Birthdays are always looking back, reflection, and moving forward.

I can honestly that was Blessed with the best mother anyone could possibly have. She was Always there with the Right Advice and provided every opportunity to me to succeed in every part of life. Many times I feel like I let both my parents down by not becoming something better than an Engineer on the Ferry. I know, and they know, I couldve and shouldve become so much more. However, 10-15 Years ago, the Ferry Job seemed like a Good Idea. I look back now and sometimes I see and feel wasted potential.  But my Mom has always been Proud and Supportive of me. And God knows I have given reason to question me. But she never has. She has Loved me Totally and Unconditionally, no matter what numbskull things I have done and brought into her life.... For that reason and more, I LOVE MY MOMMA and WILL DO ANYTHING I CAN DO TO TAKE CARE OF HER. I owe her more than I will EVER be able to re pay her.. She has been a Great Great Great Mother to me. My best friend and my Hero. Happy Birthday Momma, I wish I could make it your Best Ever!

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