The Sarda Sarda, or Atlantic Bonito is truly my favorite fish. No doubt about that. They have nearly every quality I admire in a Game Fish. Their only drawback, to me, is that they are not Jumpers, meaning they do not leap on the strike or in battle.....They make up for this plenty with many of their other attributes. As a matter of fact, they would recieve high marks in every other criteria that Gamefish are judged on..... Speed, power, change of directions, rugged, dogged. Their large eyes and excellent vision adds to the challenge of getting them to strike a hooked bait at times. Always a Challenge, never outright easy...... Futhermore, Bonito are Absolutely Beautiful in LIFE, they sport incredible horizontal racing stripes (reminiscent of Flames painted on Muscle Cars) and bars that fade in and out with an individual fishes arousal level. Also textbook body shading. All the incredible greens, blacks, silvers, and mother of pearl iridescence fades after death to a dull slate body with black horizontal stripes. This is also a fish with some very formidable teeth as well. Large and Razor sharp. King Mackerel-like. As a matter of fact the Bonito's appearance is reminiscent of a Tuna's body with a Mackerel's head. And I will throw in a Wahoo's speed, a Barracuda's disposition, and an Amberjack's stamina...... Now thats a BAD ASS FISH................... The Atlantic Bonito, Sarda Sarda's final chance to earn praise and respect is not wasted either. You see, by the time the regal Bonito makes it all the way to your dinner plate, he is once again all set to shine. Cooked any way except frying, I would give the Tuna-like Bonito meat high praise. Grilled rare to just done, it is everythibg Yelowfin Tuna is......except size of the flake. Raw dredged in soy/wasabi, it IS just as good as $500 per ounce Bluefin Toro offered at any Toyko restaurant. Ha ha, like Id know! Cooked in a citrus bath, ceviche made from Bonito is my favorite. Salad made from boiled or leftover grilled Bonito is as good as any Tuna. So there you have it. Ive never fried Tuna but Im sure someone has.....Fried Bonito would probably work too. However, it seems we always catch Bluefish and/or Gray Trout on our Bonito forays, so I always got a better alternative for frying...... All that in mind, Bonito are special fish. Their numbers are never great. They must not be the Greatest Fish in the Ocean at spawning or just surviving. And since they don't freeze well, don't kill more than you need. Sometimes when I am fishing, I decide that a particular fish "fought so well of a battle" that he "earned" his freedom, or better put, he "earned" his life. And I will release him back to the Ocean on a day when Id otherwise keep him. That his "fight" earned his freedom makes me feel good, however if there was consistency in my thought process, I would NEVER keep another Bonito. Because they all FIGHT SO HARD, they'd all earn their freedom. What I really want to say is, keep a few for a delicious meal, but release the others. They earned it. Remember, when we are out fishing, it is supposed to be FUN. But the FISH are FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES. Respect your quarry. Respect your opponent. Respect the Fish.
Peace Out
The ceviche was delicious. My first. You should share recipe. Egbert