Saturday, June 25, 2016

June 23- Baby Striped Bass Frenzy

Evidently the Striped Bass that call the Neuse River home have recently had a very very successful spawn. I would assume that any juvenile Striped Bass patrolling the Southern Pamlico Sound would in all likelihood be Neuse River stock. Regardless of where they came from, they are swarming the Rocks around the Cedar Island Ferry..... I started working for the Ferry at Cedar Island back in April of 1992, and I have never once caught or seen Striped Bass in this area. Now I have heard tell of adult Stripers being caught in Pound Nets down off Cedar Island. It was generally thought that the latest group of "big fish" were caught up in 2003 or 2004.....  The smaller fish, like the ones I'm encountering, rarely swim east of an area approximately the Havelock (south) or Oriental (north) in the Neuse River area..... Anyway, tonight I caught 6 Striped Bass on a 1/16 oz jighead and white grub. There appeared to be a pretty sizeable "swarm" of Bass that were in a feeding frenzy that ended suddenly as the tide rose. On slack high water, the action turned off like a switch was flipped...... Take it where I can get it nowadays. Total Catch for the Night: 6 Striped Bass

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