Sunday, July 3, 2016

July 2- Fly Rodding Beaufort

Sometimes a guy just needs to go fishing.... And since its a Holiday Weekend and my Boat was sitting on its Trailer, I decided to leave it right where it sits. I can't handle the Boat Ramp Drama right now! Anyhow, when I need a quick fix, I can always head over to the Beaufort Mung Holes..... Lordy, wouldn't I love to be in Albion, NY right now..... Wade the Shoreline of Lake Ontario and cast to Love Struck Chinook Salmon and Marauding Giant Brown Trout..... Much different Fishery I am heading off into..... I'm hoping for a Beaufort Grand Slam and the signature catch would be a 14" Largemouth Bass..... Oh well, we play the hand that's dealt us...... As for the fishing.... There'd be NO Slam on this day..... The Bass pulled a NO SHOW which was a suprize and the Pumpkinseed pulled a NO SHOW and that wasn't a suprize.... That leaves me with the Bluegills and they were chewing... Capt Cbo says that there has been a group fishing the Mung Holes with Cane Poles and toting buckets and they've been keeping everything they catch..... Oh well, hard to argue with feeding your family but Damn...... Those Fish were hardly ever worth keeping..... Go to a Dock and catch a bucketfull of Pinfish people! Leave my little Fly Rod Fishing Hole alone and the friendly little fish that live and play there alone! Total Catch for the Day: 24 Bluegill

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