Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sept 28 Lizardfish Frenzy and a 21" Flounder

Finally got a hook in the brine this morning. I had planned on going in the Boat, but all my "pals" bailed out on me. I thought about going to Cedar Island tonight also. My last shot at the Big Drum for 2008. I can't really get too excited about it for some reason. Anyway, I made it to the docks this morning and found ZERO bait. I tied on a plastic bait and figured I could catch a few Lizards and Sea Bass. I wasn't disappointed. After clearing the bottom of these hard hitting and decent fighting pests, I was mildly suprised when my final strike at Dock #2 was from a 21" Southern Flounder that weighed 3 lb.s 14 oz. Final Tally was 1 Flounder, 1 Black Sea Bass, and 8 Inshore Lizardfish.

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