Monday, September 29, 2008

Sept 29 3 Hour Search and ZERO Drum

Chris is headed back to Florida tommorrow and I'm headed back to Hatteras today so we made a quick trip out to catch a few Red Drum. Nearly perfect conditions on the beach had our hopes high! Unfortunately, the water was dirty, there were hardly NO Finger Mullets present on the beach, and there was 5 solid miles of Cownose Rays milling in the surf. In 3 hours of searching I saw 2 Red Drum and both of them were "on the run" from something. We did catch a few Bluefish and Lizardfish. I think if we could've waited the tide out, we could've found what we were looking for, but it wasn't to be! Fishing is shaping up good this week. Huge schools of Menhaden are up and down the beach. I would expect a good King Mackerel bite to develop off Shackleford Banks this week. Wish I was going to be here. Oh well, I'll be at Hatteras until Oct 7.

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