Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone. Look forward to fishing with you or seeing you on the water in 2009. My Fishing Resolutions are: 1. More Fish 2. Bigger Fish 3. Better Fish

My 2008 season was tough. My Charter Business was down by 50%. Some of that was my fault by cutting advertising expenses, some of it was my misfortune of a couple of Great Clients moving away, some of it was Horrible fishing when expectations were high, and some of it was the Economy. The work on my boat was slower that I expected and I missed some Spring Fishing. The Cobia season at Beaufort Inlet was a Complete Bust. Finally, the weather this Fall/Winter has been very inconsistent. That seems to be the case every year now. Working a week on-week off schedule is great, except when I work those beautiful 4 to 5 day stretches in November. I know I will pay for it when my week off comes! Hopefully my "weather luck" will turn around in 2009 and if it does, better fishing will result!

My Citation Count in 2008 was okay considering I didn't jack the number up with huge Red Drum numbers. After hammering away for straight 10 years, I had sort of "burned out" on that fishery, but I must say that I kinda missed it. My Clients, Guests, and I landed 40 Citation-sized Fish in 2008. In the past 9 years, we have averaged 87 Citations and my best season was 2000 when we had 180 Citations. In 2009, catching more Adult Red Drum will be a priority, along with more King Mackerel and Grouper fishing. Hopefully the Atlantic Bonito and Cobia seasons will be good ones also. Bigger and more plentiful Flounders would be nice. Pretty weather for Speckled Trout in late fall/early winter would be great and Striped Bass on the Shoals at Cape Lookout would be a great to end 2009!

Personally, everybody knows that I've been on a personal crusade to collect all the NC Citations. This year I added 1 new Citation to my total. In August while fishing in the deep off Oregon Inlet I got a 12 lb 10 oz Tilefish. The NCDMF made a few changes in the Citation Program in 2008 when they added a couple of species, dropped Tautog, and adjusted the minimum weights for several species. Based one new weight requirements, I would have already had my Atlantic Bonito, False Albacore, Blackfin Tuna, and Bluefish Citations. Hopefully in 2009, I can knock off a couple of these and resume my chase to collect all the NC Citations. 29 Different NC Citation Species collected and 8 to go!

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