Saturday, January 3, 2009

Jan 3 Black Sea Bass, Spottails, and Dog Sharks

Stan and Alex joined me today for a half day of inshore bottom fishing and jigging. We headed to the western Artificial Reefs and even though the water was a little cold, we managed to scrap up a few decent fish. We had our best luck in 50 feet of water on cut squid. We fished out to 70 feet and even though the temp was much better, we didn't have as many bites. Stan got the first fish of 2009 when he caught an Oyster Toadfish on the first drop of the morning! I also caught a small Scamp Grouper which is the first Scamp I've ever caught this far inshore. Unusual! Total Catch for the Day: 40 Black Sea Bass up to 14", 25 Spottail Pinfish, 2 Spiny Dogfish up to 10 lbs,, 1 Gag Grouper, 1 Scamp Grouper, 1 Sheepshead, 1 Scup, 1 Pinfish, and 1 Oyster Toadfish.

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