Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jan 13 Lack of Reports

During the past month I have had very few fishing reports. Reason's are: 1. I'm working on the Ocracoke-Swan Quarter Ferry Run and Fishing is nearly impossible while I'm at work. 2. The Weather generally has sucked when I've been home. 3. I've had some kind of lingering Crud for 3 weeks. 4. My Boat has a problem that I need to spend a day on and I haven't done it yet! Hopefully I will have a good report to post on Jan 18th because The Rouser and I are making the trip up to Va Beach to go Striped Bass fishing. I might also wrangle a "creek trip for Red Drum" out of Capt Kyle Brown this week if he would get "duck hunting off his mind." Finally, congrats to THE PLUG (BJ Swain). He and Mary annouced that BJ is pregnant. Oops, I mean Mary is pregnant. Ocracoke will never, ever be the same. The picture is of BJ with one of 7 Red Drum we caught from the surf at Ocracoke a good night a few years back.

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