Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6 Red Drum on Fly

I wasn't going to fish today. I had to go to Wal-Mart. I grabbed my Fly Rod and took it with me. While in Wal-Mart, I was buying some popping bugs, I ran into BJ Swain of Ocracoke Island. BJ is with the Ocracoke Volunteer Fire Dept and was standing 75 feet from the Fireworks Truck that exploded on July 4. So BJ and I went over to a Wal Mart Pond and made about 5 casts before the bottom fell out. We had caught 1 Bluegill. Then we rode back to Beaufort and in a short break in the rain, we went to the Forbidden Pond. I caught 2 more Bluegills. Mary picked up BJ and I headed down to Taylor's Creek where I got a 18" Red Drum to eat a white feather in 3 feet of water by an Oyster Rock. I'm hooked. Total Catch for the Day: 3 Bluegill and 1 Red Drum (All on Fly Tackle)

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