Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7 Part One--Red Drum, Speckled Trout, and Croaker

My fishing trip got cancelled this morning due to a sudden illness. This was going to be my last trip for a while because my family and I will be headed back up to Chapel Hill to hopefully take care of a pretty serious medical problem. Right now my best guess would be that I'll be off the water until around July 17th, possibly as long as July 29th before I'll be availiable for Charter. Like the previous post said: This is a Fishing Blog. So once I got the "No Fishing" call, I headed down to Taylor's Creek to catch the end of the incoming tide. I was fishing a dock that I've been fishing for 33 years and I came away this morning with 2 news worthy items. First, I caught the first 2 Speckled Trout that I've ever caught in this location this morning. I had a buddy that caught one about 4 years ago, but I had never caught one, peroid. And 33 years is a long time. Enough time to catch probably 1500 Flounder and 1000 Red Drum. So I got 2 Speckled Trout around 16"each on gulps. I also caught a 13" Croaker and 2 Red Drum at 18" each. Fishing was okay, but it could've been better. Why? News worthy item #2: The Pinfish at the dock were the most numerous and aggressive that I've seen in years. One cast with a gulp and it was gone. A dollar a cast, thanks to the Pinfish. Total Catch for the Morning: 2 Speckled Trout, 2 Red Drum, 1 Croaker, and 3 Pinfish

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