Thursday, October 22, 2009

News and Observer and the Cape Lookout Lighthouse

Two items of note. First, Capt Marty is the subject of an article in today's News and Observer. That's pretty cool since it is my hometown News Paper. It is about fishing, of course and can be found in today's Outdoors Section. Second, this month the Cape Lookout Lighthouse is celebrating it's 150th birthday and the NPS is lighing up the Lighthouse with spotlights. It is a very pretty thing to see up close. Last night, my wife and her parents made the trip up to the Cape to see the Lighthouse. It was a beautiful night. It was hard for me not to be thinking about all those Speckled Trout out at the Jetty, but I fought off that urge and just walked around and explored the Lighthouse. It was a pretty cool experience and a great way to spend time with family.


  1. Cool pictures. Did you take those?

  2. Yep that's my pictures. I needed a tripod, night mode is pretty tough.
