Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oct 21 Awesome Red Drum Fishing and More

Today was nothing but flat out catching fish. We got a late start because of an Oil Change, but 20 minutes after the launch, Chris and I were sitting on a 1000 fish school of Red Drum. Three hours later we had released our 30th Red Drum and boxed a pair in the slot. The only thing that interupted our Red Drum mission was the 2 Albacore that I released. By the end of our Drum session we must've looked like the Pied Piper because we had 5-6 other boats that were following our every move down the Beach. It was pretty comical since I was really the only person that could see the fish. Not only was I instructing Chris where to cast, I was akso trying to coordinate the placement of all these other boats and direct 10-12 guys that were casting. Needless to say, the Drum were getting spanked pretty hard. After we couldn't take it anymore, Chris and I ran to the east and found all the Bluefish in the world, including a bunch of "legit" 4 pounders. All in all, it was a great day of fishing and hardly NO casts were wasted. Total Catch for the Day: 32 Red Drum, 30 Bluefish and 2 Albacore **1826 Total Fish in 2009**

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