Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16 Tough Fishing in Rough Conditions

Yesterday I got cancelled and the report from the Far West was excellent. Few Boats and lots of Cobias... So this morning Joey and I braved the seas and the wind and ran down off the western beach, looking for baitballs. Unfortunately, either they were gone or we just didn't go far enough. The water quality had changed alot since Saturday afternoon. It is dirty and there was hardly any bait in the clear water. Where did it all go? SW wind doesn't usually kill the fishing, just makes it rougher. Anyway, on the way home we found a Cobia, and she was a big one. Unfortunately, we couldn't make her eat. Casts were followed and she really liked hanging around the boat. She got to carefully examine lots of baits... Too bad I took the Harpoon out of the boat. It takes up a alot of space and is a little dangerous on a rolling deck. Good way to turn or break an ankle.. Today was the day that it would've paid off... It would've been so easy. Oh well, since we were Cobia or bust, and we didn't bring the harpoon... Total Catch for the Day: ZERO

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