Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 17 Rough Riding and Awesome Top Water Bluefish

Ron and Dave came a long ways to go fishing. The weather sucked. 20 kt SW wind and 4-6 ft seas. Worse was the incredible long shore current caused by the Full Moon which is creating super high tides and super low low tides. The effect on the Ocean near the Beach is incredible. There have been times the past couple of days when I was a little scared in the Tower. The worst part was, there was no possible way to climb down. When the Capt feels fear, that is a terrible thing. Honestly, what can "get us" is lose of power. I've been in some spots the past 2 days where a loss of propulsion would cast us into an instant calamity. I recognize it because of all the things I've encountered on the water. I hope my fellow guides and fishing captains think about these things too... Anyway, we ended up at Cape Lookout in perfect calm conditions and fished bait on the bottom with no real results. Dave released a 75 lb Butterfly Ray and Ron battled a giant Ray for a while. Then we casted poppers and bucktails to a school of Big Bluefish. It was great while it lasted, but it hurt me in the "tackle box". Ron released a stud of a spring Bluefish at 14lbs. I think the guys managed to release 2 Bluefish each and had several bite off. Total catch for the Day: 4 Bluefish up to 14 lbs and 1 Butterfly Ray at 75 lbs

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