Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20 10 Cobias and the 80 Pounder that Popped Off

BJ and I decided after yesterday's success and today's 18 kt SW Honker to forget about sightcasting and soak bait. And we didn't soak it long. The Cobia were chewing under the Top Water Boat this morning..... Cobia Fishing, for me, has always been about streaks of luck, good and bad, and yesterday afternoon and this morning I've been on a HOT Streak. An hour after dropping anchor, we had 2 nice Cobia on the deck, a 41 lber and a 38 lber, and we had released a couple of legal fish too. Then BJ hooked up a trophy Cobia. He jumped twice and circled the boat. He was about to make us guess at the anchor. Under/Over. Then he popped up on top, clear of the anchor. Another Cobia banging 80 pounds, easy! Now he was swimming free and clear and no trouble in sight... A big, long Lemon colored Monster.... Then the hook popped and my winning streak was over. The next couple of hours produced finicky Bluefish on top water plugs and Dog Sharks. Then we finally caught three more Cobia, one at 35" and two that were way too small. At the end of the day, we popped the hook on another big mystery fish??? I say Southern Stingray, BJ was not so sure and he sunk into a depression. Tommorrow the circus starts again. Total Catch for the Day: 10 Cobia up to 41 lbs, 3 Bluefish up to 11 lbs, 15 Smooth Dogsharks up to 20 lbs


  1. Nice Cobia Marty ! We went west and saw nothing, headed back toward BI and saw a huge one cruise past us and of course he was gone before we could react. Then we fished behind Shack and didn't get anything. Tomorrow we are headed East.

  2. JD join the circus to the east! Thankfully its supposed to be pretty and should divide the fleet between the baiters and the sight casters. Bait fishing has been as good as ever! Lots of bites and enough 80 pounders around to keep tensions running high!

  3. You lost a fish? Weren't you screaming from your tower last saturday that you haven't lost a fish in 20 years?

  4. Yeah so we made up for it.... And if you are close enough to hear me talk, do you want a 8 oz pyramid sinker or a 4 oz Hopkins.... Your choice......

  5. Thanks captain Marty for a good day.I gotta a bag or two of cobia for u.... thanks again Marty

  6. No problem BJ. You picked a great day. It was much different today. beautifully non-fishy. Maybe it was gonna happen later... I don't know? It just didn't happen for us today! Hero or Zero, thats the problem with Cobia Fishing. I hear they exploded on the Hatteras Scene today. Grab David Scott and head east! You boys will get them this week!
