Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21 Beautiful Weather and Terrible Fishing

Yesterday there was enough Menhaden on the Shackleford Banks Beachfront to keep Omega Protein up and running for 6 months..... And the Cobia were flat out chewing Menhaden.... So the plan for this morning's half day trip was simple.... Catch Bait and Bail Cobia.... One problem-- All the Menhaden disappeared overnight. No Bait to be found, so with limited time I headed into the wild blue yonder. By noon we were sightcasting off Shark Island and I got a call that there was a small school of Menhaden 15 miles away. It was little too late for such an abrupt change of location and plan! And really, conditions were great for sightcasting. We saw lots of life. We saw a Barracuda, a King Mackerel, thousands of Bluefish and Spanish Mackerel. We saw dozens of Turtles and Bottlenosed Dolphin. We just didn't see any Cobia. Maybe we ran out of time? Regardlesss, my apologies to my crew. We did manage to toss some top water plugs at some Chopper Bluefish, but that was difficult. Those fish are skittish and finicky right now. Beautiful day on the Atlantic Ocean and a 55 mile boat ride with poor fishing results. I hate that! Total Catch for the Day: 2 Bluefish at 8 lb each

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