Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dec 18- Gigging for Not Much (part 3)

It was too pretty last night. I was restless. I had my buddy, Frank's, Flounder Light with me... I am trying to give it back because I've had it since August!!! Anyway, I asked Frank for "one more night" and he said yes...... Frank, like Tugwell and C-Bo, is after Deer, not fish.... Anyway, so I spent 90 wonderful minutes walking around Hatteras Inlet. Unfortunately, I probably walked where no man has ever walked before. This was due to the incredibly low tides.. That was cool and I found lots of hardcore and "fishy looking" structures that I'd never seen before. Didn't even know it was there .... Next year, Sheepshead heaven! Other than that, I saw many many "Flounder Footprints". I also saw a Flounder. A Summer Flounder that unfortunately will be a Flounder sandwich shortly... The most atrocious act I have committed against an innocent fish in quite a while also occurred last night... Wanting to test my skills as a potential "spear-wielding Wild Man of Borneo" I thrust my weapon at a hapless 3" Striped Killifish. Believe it or not, I hit paydirt. Hey, I might just audition for Discovery Channel's new reality show, "Naked and Afraid". Me and Jennifer and Emma.... "Hey Honey, I'm home. I got us a Mud Minnow for supper"...... Sheesh. Total Gigged for the Night: 1 Summer Flounder and 1 Striped Killifish

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