Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dec 18- Red Drum Fishing (part 2)

Got a little bored this afternoon so I headed back out to the Beach... Honestly, I was looking for Speckled Trout so I avoided the Jettys. For that matter, I didn't feel like going all way to Buxton. I made it as far east as the Frisco Pier. The surf was freaking pounding and the water was very dirty. I made a couple casts and knew I was wasting my time. So I back-tracked back down to Hatteras and drove out on the Beach. Here I headed west until I came up to a recently un-sanded chunk of a Shipwreck. Presumably the famous Carroll A. Deering. I'll go into a little history on that one day... Anyway, I stopped to admire the Wood and Iron that was laid together in 1919.... There was also a nice slough right in front of the relic. I waded out there and started casting. The waves were pounding and the current was like a Class IV Rapid for Whitewater Rafting... I have NO IDEA what that last sentence means BUT IT SOUNDED GOOD! Anyway, after 5 minutes, I said "10 more casts".... And wouldn't you know it.... On the 10th cast I had a bite and after a terrific struggle (6 kts of current is a plus for the fish) I managed to land a 23" Red Drum. Amazing. First Cast this morning = Red Drum. Last Cast this afternoon = Red Drum. 400 casts in between = Nothing...... Total Catch for this Trip: 1 Red Drum at 23"

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