Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oct 19- Pigfish and Pinfish

Before I pulled my Boat out of the water, Jennifer and I went fishing. Unfortunately, the wind was howling and we really didn't need any Spots. Joe was kind enough to give me 15 nice Spots the day before..... The Bluefish in Beaufort Inlet were in a life threatening rip created by the Ground Swell, the Tide, and the Wind.... In other words, our options were limited. Besides, all I had was a box of Squid. So....... We fished for 60 minutes in Gallant's Channel and even though the catch sounds puny, it was fun watching TLOML pull in some fish..... Jennifer and I actually tied in the "Top Fish" department. We each caught a jumbo Hogfish.... We also caught lots of Pinfish, Hogfish, and Black Sea Bass... I caught a Lizardfish, locally known as a "Preacher's Prick".... I also caught a rare little guy called a Rock Sea Bass..... Closely related to Black Sea Bass and the lesser known Bank Sea Bass.... The Rock Sea Bass is much smaller and rarer than its two cousins..... Total Catch for the Day: 12 Pinfish, 8 Hogfish, 4 Black Sea Bass, 1 Rock Sea Bass, and 1 Inshore Lizardfish

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