Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Oct 28- The King Mackerel and Bluefish

First Fish of the Day

Girls Gone Wild

Capt Tugwell's secret Love Child

Everybody caught a King Mackerel and these were a nice class of fish
I finally got a beautiful day to go fishing! I had a great crew! My problem was..... I didn't get off work at Cape Hatteras until 1030pm..... So I drove nearly 5 hours to get home, got my boat ready, and met my crew at 10am. We were supposed to go out on Wednesday, but with great Fishing and Weather forecasted, I knew this crew needed to go fishing on This Day! So we pulled it off...... The King Mackerel Fishing was the "big deal"..... Unfortunately, this crew didn't really care about catching Kings.... So, when everyone caught a King, we left the King Bite and ran to the Shoals to search for something different.... What we found was absolutely amazing! THE MOST BLUEFISH that I've seen in 10 years! Miles and Miles of Bluefish. Millions of 2-4 lb Bluefish. The crew caught all they wanted and then I went searched for some  Red Drum. I actually found a nice school of 50-70 Red Drum cruising among the Blue Horde.... I made a cast with a Gulp and immediately hooked up. Then something unbelievable happened. From my perch 15 feet high, I watched this happen.... As the hooked Drum broke away from the school about 20 Bluefish suddenly raced in his direction. Then right before my eyes the Bluefish ran up to the Drum and started biting the gulp that was protruding from the Drums mouth. Very quickly the Bluefish managed to bite my jighead off and the Drum swam away..... Afterwards, I searched for the School for 30 minutes until I gave up... A great day, then we had a shaky ending...... Three miles from Beaufort Inlet, I had the same old gas problems that had me tied up earlier..... We finally got the Top Water Boat moving after an hour delay.... I think I will use the FlyN Fish for the rest of my weeks fishing and there is a BLOWWWWWW coming so I will have some time to work on my boat! Total Catch for the Day: 3 King Mackerel at 28 lbs, 25 lbs, and 24 lbs, 1 Albacore at 13 lbs, and 12 Bluefish from 2-4 lbs

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